Support method selection

press from top pull up press from down pull down Fixed end

Cross-sectional shape selection

circle hollow circle square hollow square ellipse hollwo ellipse triangle hollow triangle Ushape Hshape Tshape +shape

Double sided support method
for evaluation of buckling

support method

circle detail

Parameter input

Physical properties


Young’s modulus

= MPa


= g/cm3

Yield stress

= MPa
F = N
Length dimension
L = mm
Cross-sectional dimension
D = mm
Thermal expansion

Coefficient of linear expansion

α = ×10-6/℃

Change Temperature

ΔT =
Hollow materials

Stress concentration coefficient

K =


Deflection by loadδF

= mm

Stress by loadσF

= N/mm2

Deflection by own weightδM

= mm

Stress by own weightσM

= N/mm2

Deflection by thermal expansionδT

= mm

Stress by thermal expansionσT

= N/mm2

Total DeflectionδFMT

= mm

Max stress σMAX

= N/mm2

 →Safety factor


Material weight

= g

Buckling load

= N

 →Safety factor

(※)The sign of the displacement and stress in the calculation result is negative for compression and positive for tension.